i bought a new mattress ytd...finally...after three years...i was dreaming of it since i was in the first yr of my degree...my parents bought me a cheap mattress when i moved into my new house at that time...and i promised to myself that i will get a new one...sooner or later...now that i got it, i feel very very satisfied (plus the fact that i bought it with my OWN money...) and i am very happy, of course...
( i don't know exactly how i feel...but it's a wonderful feeeling
though..) i was waiting for three yrs to get that thing...now that i got it, it's like a sweet victory for me (hmm..i think i was just over exaggerate myself...hehe...)
it reminds me of my childhood days...whenever i wanted something, i want it straight away...i don't care if my parents could afford it or not...i just could not wait...if they didn't get me the things that i want, i would end up saying that they didn't love me...didn't care for me...and would start thinking that i was an adopted child...come to think about it again, i felt very guilty to them for my bad attitude (mama, abah...sorry...)
now, i learned to accept the fact that i cannot hv all the things that i want (n also accept the fact that i'm always out of money n have to call my parents in the middle of the month, asking for some more...huhu...) i learned to appreciate all the things that i hv...n learned to be patience, i WILL get the things that i want...it's just the matter of time...rite...???
my bedroom's new look....
btw, this is supposed to be ytd's post...but due to some technical probs, it has been deleted (huhu...but i don't blame anyone for that...no heart feelings...we make mistakes sometimes...)
i was wondering why my new laptop is sooo slow (or 'lembab' in malay...) i just got it last tuesday...i didn't really hv the time to explore it yet bcoz i'm sooo bz keying-in data for my project and studying for my new experiment that will commence next week (InsyaAllah...) but i was wondering why i still hv the time to post the blog ( hehe....)
i just realize that my new laptop only hv 256 RAM (no wonder it's sooooo 'lembab'...) so, i hv to spend some more money to upgrade it (there goes my salary for this month...huhu...)
hmmm...speaking of 'lembab', it reminds me of my 'memey' back home...he's my brother's cat...memey is very unique... ( he's very handsome also...hehe...) memey's a hibrid of persian and 'kampung' cat...his mother is a beautiful persian cat named 'macik momot' and his father is a stray cat from the middle of nowhere (may be...nobody knows who the real father is anyway...) despite the unique appearance that he has, memey's also very very very 'lembab'...if memey is a computer, he will hv the memory below 90 MB...hehe...so, in our house, we will refer to anthing that is slow @ 'lembab' as memey...like.."komputer ang lembab la...cam memey betoi.." or "selembab-lembab komputer orang, lembab lagi memey ang..."
we never realize that our memey is very unique...until one day, my best friend came to my house...when she entered my house, i was expecting memey will run away bcoz he is very afraid of strangers...then my best friend said..."wah..comelnya kucing ang..." and i said..."kucing nan tu, magic la plak dia tak lari bila tengok ang..." so my best friend was playing with memey...then suddenly, memey was very shocked...he looked at my best friend and his eyes widened...then, zoom....he just ran away like he was just seeing a ghost...we were wondering why he acted like that...then, we burst out with laughter bcoz we just found out that memey took nearly 5 minutes to realize that he didn't know my best friend....haha ( didn't i say that his memory is below 90 MB...???) no wonder everytime we gave him food, it took him nearly one minute to realize that he can eat that...
when i went back home last month, i was shocked bcoz whenever i approached memey, he will run away from me...he acted like he didn't know me...i was away for nearly a month, so it's impossible fo him to forget me bcoz the other cats in my house, ('popo', 'macik momot', 'janggut', 'babey', 'holeng', 'buncit', and 'bintik') still recognise me...on the third day, i asked nan to get memey for me...i held him and said..."ni along la...lembab..." i nearly got scratched by memey bcoz he was sooo afraid of me and struggling to get away from me...i looked into his eyes and repeated the same line again and again...then, after a few minutes, he stopped struggling and looked at my face...it was the moment of truth....finally...after three days...memey's been able to recognise me...his along... (i could feel the tears of joy....well done memey...well done..!) haha...
that's memey and his below 90 MB RAM...haha...
this is the picture of memey...
have u ever heard about orthodontics...?? or braces...?? i find it quite trendy these days...even celebrities like misha omar, nana AF, and aliff OIAM hv their braces on..well, i myself hv undergo the onthodontics treatment for one and a half yr (due to my bad habit during childhood days..) i have crooked teeth (or 'jongang' in malay...) so, during my schooldays, there are lots of people critisizing on my looks...esp my teeth..and i really really hate to smile bcoz it wil show my crooked teeth...
so, there are some people who always making fun of me and my teeth going around, telling others about how 'jongang' my teeth are ( life's cruel..isn't it...??) even my best fren at that time (she 'was' my best fren back then...) told me that i hv 'jongang' teeth..that's why i can't even close my mouth properly...she even mimicked how i looked like when i closed my mouth...i was sooo ashamed at that time bcoz she told this in front of other people while we're in a van on d way to school.. (that's why she 'was' my bestfriend...)
but now, with the help of some experts, i feel more confident to smile...in fact, i want to smile all the time, bcoz i never had the opportunity to do that a long time ago...i'm happy with my teeth now...i really really thanked the person who invented this treatment bcoz he/she has given the hope to people like me...helping us to gain our confidence back and smile to the world....so...smile...!! =)
for those who wants to know more about the orthodontics, u can log on to:
I just chatted with my best fren today...about our life n how we feel bout it...but the words that always came out from our mouth is just that we're not pretty..that's why our life is s****...people will treat us differently, just bcoz we're not as pretty as other girls (no special treatment or whatso ever)..we hv to do things on our own..we don't hv a bunch of guys who wanted to do everything for us (come to think bout it again, we're actually lucky bcoz we don't hv to rely on anyone..rite..?)
but the question is...does look is very important..??
during my childhood days, i was an unattractive girl (but i'm still like that now...haha...) compared to my sister...i was very stressed back then...peole will judge us by our looks..so for them, my sister will lead a better life than me in the future..i still remember being told.."emm..angah lagi cantik la dr along...angah mcm ni la...mcm tu la...bla..bla..." (what the h***..) it's not like I envied my sister..it just that i hate all those people who ever think that the world is for the beauty queens only..that others will hv to struggle to get what they want...just becoz they're not pretty enough...
that 'folks' really really ruined my self esteem...i always thought that i would ended up marrying a guy chosen by my parents (bcoz i'm not attractive enough to find my own 'jodoh' @ boyfriend..)having his kids and lead a life like other housewives...with all the bedak sejuk on their face...(mmmm...how can i think about that at time...funny huh...???)
then, when i moved from the 'kampung' to another city, i realized that life is more than what i imagined before this...there's something more powerful than just the good looks...something called the 'brainpower'...hehe...that is my strengh...
when i started schooling, i promised to myself that i will proof to the people at my 'kampung' that they're wrong...totally wrong...that i can be someone although i'm not pretty...i promised to myself that i will study hard, get the best result, be the best students...and achieve my own dreams...i also learned that beauty is very subjective (bcoz there're some people who think i'm quite pretty=)...) true, rite...?
coz "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder..."
when i think about it again, i should thank all those 'kampung' people..bcoz of their comments, i can be who i am today...